Learn more about Conplant's Tier 4 Engines

At Conplant, we pride ourselves on being able to deliver machines that not only meet world’s best practice environmental standards, but still deliver power, performance and productivity.

How does it work?
Unlike diesel exhaust engines that contain potentially harmful components such as particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and oxides of sulfur (SOX), Tier 4 engines significantly reduce particulate matter and NOx emissions.
Non-road diesel engines were identified as a significant source of air pollutants and greenhouse gas emission in Australia, due to their low uptake of emission control technology. The World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer has even identified fine-particle emissions from diesel exhaust as a carcinogen once it has been inhaled into the lungs.
The Tier 4 engines aim to minimise this risk on site by keeping up with today’s US and EU ‘tiers’ or ‘stages’ of emission standards.
How do they do this?

How will Tier 4 engines benefit you?
Improve emissions across your worksite
Improves uptime and minimises operating costs
Cost-effective and use less fuel
Maximises productivity across a range of applications
Greater power delivery and torque response for improved performance
Do you need to use Tier 4 engines?
Australia currently has no regulations to control noxious emissions from non-road diesel engines. However, in April 2018, Environment Ministers agreed to an evaluation of the potential for a national approach to manage emissions from non-road diesel engines as a priority action under the National Clean Air Agreement.
Ministers are currently in the process of undertaking evaluations and by 2022 evaluation results will be available and new policy options will be considered. We anticipate this could lead to a range of impacts for the construction, mining and agricultural industries, where emission targets may be imposed. These Tier 4 final diesel engines certainly meet the criteria for use in the US and EU areas, and we expect Australia to follow suit in the coming years.
Where can I get machinery equipped with Tier 4 engines?
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Want to bring Tier 4 final diesel engines to your site? Speak with a representative today about including machinery equipped with Tier 4 engines in your next hire.