Home » Meet James Pisano

Meet James Pisano

Home » Meet James Pisano
A smiling man with short gray hair, identified as James Pisano, is wearing a black suit and a black turtleneck sweater. He is posed in front of a plain, light gray background.

James Pisano

Chief Information Officer

With both a finance and IT background, along with a combined 40+ years of experience in both, James Pisano is our Chief Information Officer responsible for the systems and technology our entire team use everyday to help us excel in everything we do.

“Internally, we provide the intelligence required for decision-making; for example, how many machines are being utilised, how many more do we need of that type, financial information, and so much more.”

During his time at Conplant, James has been instrumental in writing the systems that enable staff from every department to make decisions. For example, someone like Dary Samadi  is able to predict and schedule services thanks to the systems James and his team provide. And, on the customer side, systems have been expertly created to help customers access things like invoices, statements, the ability to hire machines, purchase parts and more.

What systems does a business like Conplant need?

“Everyone here knows their stuff very well – they’ve got first-hand, immediate experience and intelligence they employ on a day-to-day basis. The gap was that sometimes that information was localised – that is, in a person’s head and not recorded anywhere, or stuck on a spreadsheet or in someone’s inbox”

“Now, we’ve developed our own ERP system, called ConGo ERP, where we can capture information so that it’s available to everyone in the business”

“It’s completely transparent, visible, real-time and enables everyone in the business to see what’s going on wherever they are. Conplant already had very good processes, so it didn’t make sense to get an off-the-shelf system or technology that would make us change how we work. We’d rather capture what we’re already doing, which we have developed and proven as best practice”

“Rather than leaving things to ‘gut feel’ or personality-based insight alone, we combined evidence-based insight with management to be able to serve our customers better – and that’s the most important thing!”

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