Home » Announcements » Salzburg Airport Runway Overhaul with Völkel

Salzburg Airport Runway Overhaul with Völkel

By Dwayne Rosie

Precision and Efficiency with Völkel Intelligent Compaction

The Salzburg Airport runway overhaul demonstrates the transformative impact of Völkel Intelligent Compaction in modern construction projects. Tasked with ensuring safe take-offs and landings, the project involved removing the old runway and replacing the base layer before the 5-week paving schedule.

Project Details

• Client: Salzburg Airport
• Contractor: PORR, in partnership with STRABAG
• Scope: Comprehensive overhaul of the runway and taxiways, involving 117,000 tonnes of asphalt


• Unpredictable weather conditions
• Tight project timeline
• Need for high-quality paving and compaction


Völkel Intelligent Compaction Measurement was employed to enhance paving quality and efficiency. During the 5-week paving window, 20 rollers worked in unison, sharing individually recorded compaction quality data quality data between each other. This provided operators with a complete picture of all work completed, rather than just their own individual contribution, ensuring optimal compaction and reducing the need for rework.


  • Uniform Compaction: Pass count targets and mapping ensured operators maintained a uniform rolling pattern
  • Improved Density and Productivity: Ensured uniform compaction quality across all surfaces
  •  Cost and Time Savings: Reduced project duration and maintenance costs
  •  Enhanced Safety and Reliability: Provided a stable and durable runway for aircraft operations


The Salzburg Airport runway overhaul is a shining example of how intelligent technology and collaborative efforts can lead to exceptional project outcomes. Völkel’s Intelligent Compaction played a crucial role in achieving these results, setting a new standard for future infrastructure projects.

Aerial view of construction vehicles working on a large, dark asphalt surface for the runway overhaul at Salzburg Airport. Several machines, like a Völkel road roller and a paver, are spread out on the site. Two small figures stand near the edge on the right, bordered by grass and gravel.

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