Work Health and Safety
Conplant is committed to the health, safety and well being of all employees, subcontractors, customers and visitors at its workplaces. Conplant delivers on this commitment through a focus on safe workplaces, safe plant and safe people.
We have implemented an integrated, business-wide framework for identifying and managing risks that may be associated with any activities and that information is accessible and shared across our national branch network. Our Integrated Risk Management System is certified to comply with AS/NZS 4801:2001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
Conplant has also implemented a fleet-wide safety and compliance program so that all plant delivered to our customers will meet their safety requirements as well as drive continuous improvement.
At Conplant we understand that having access to high quality, high productivity equipment can make or break your construction project and we are dedicated to providing the highest levels of performance, service and customer satisfaction.
Conplant’s Quality Assurance program is designed to ensure that we are able to provide consistently high quality products and services that meet or exceed our customer’s requirements and to achieve this we have developed and implemented our Integrated Risk Management System, certified against ISO 9001:2008 – Quality Management Systems
Conplant’s responsible approach to its operational activities ensures that our environmental impact is as low as reasonably practicable. We regularly review and evaluate our processes for improvement opportunities so that we maintain environmental compliance and have embedded our environmental risk management requirements into our Integrated Risk
Management System. Environmental aspects and impacts are identified and eliminated or controlled as part of the way that we conduct business.
Integrated Risk Management System (IRMS) Downloads